Monday, May 30, 2011

Oh What A Night…

Saturday, May 28th, 2011

Well last night was nothing I ever expected to do in while in Malawi!

I was sitting in the lobby/bar of the lodge just reading a book, Organic Inc.  It was a gift from one of my professors at school.  As I was reading I over head some of the Europeans talking about a club that was opening tonight and how they wanted to go and check it out.  Sounded interesting but I knew that was not for me.  Well I was wrong!

As I sat reading three Malawians and a girl from the UK walked in together.  They got drinks from the bartender and sat down near me.  One of the Malawians, Joseph put his hand out and immediately introduced himself.  I even used some of the Chichewa I have been learning and said, "Moni!  Muli banjo?" (Hello!  How are you?) and he replied instantly even though I had no idea what he said.  He then went on to introduce me to the three girls he came in with, Hanna (UK) , Winnie (Malawi), and Fiskan (Malawi).  I began talking to them and asked Hanna why she was in Malawi and I learned she studies Animal Biology and is doing our equivalence of an internship out here to complete her graduation requirements.  She happens to work down the road at the Animal Rescue Park: Lilongwe and works with injured animals in rehabilitation.  I was hoping to get their this weekend to check it out prior to our introduction so she said I could hitch a ride with her on Saturday or Sunday!  Then Winnie and Fiskan told me how they were in college but they mentioned something about all schools being closed across the nation but I failed to make out the reason why.  I did get their emails though so I will be able to write them and get an answer that does not factor in my very bad hearing and their broken english.

Following they asked what I did and why I was in Malawi.  I shared and then they asked me to come out with them tonight.  They said this club Zanzibar had just opened and they said I would really like it.  Well that was the club those Europeans were talking about at the bar!  Hannah said we would also be stopping at a friend from works house prior to leaving.  I was very hesitant about going, I was in my clothes for bed and it was 10 PM and I was tired!  Well I said sure but can I change and they said no your fine in that.  Winnie had a side conversation with Joseph in Chichewa and she came back and said you have five minutes to change.  Well I ran to my chalet, threw on a pair of shots, a shirt, and shoes and then ran to the bathroom and washed my legs and arms of the mosquito spray I had applied minutes before they arrived!  I was ready, I hopped in the car and drove to Hannah's friends house.  There were about 12 people from the UK all drinking around a fire pit and eating food being cooked from the grill.  We were each offered a skewer of chicken and I have to say it was great!  It was like I had just flown back home for a meal!

Then Hannah said she wanted to stay at the house longer but the others wanted to go to the club so I left with Joseph, Fiskan, and Winnie and went to the club.  We would see Hannah and her friends later on.  The club was beautiful and had a great vibe.  The people were so warming and nice.  I was the only white person for about two hours but then a bunch of the Europeans showed up.  My dancing face was on, it was like boat cruise all over again!  Me and Winnie were the only ones on the dance floor and after about an hour or staring and embarrassment, the entire club was up and dancing amongst us!  

Malawians have a specials word for white person, "mzungu" and if your a white person that says that they laugh!  I had so much fun, the club had nine DJs, three dance floors and amazing people that I am so happy I had the chance to meet.  I brought my camera and took lots of pictures with everyone.  Malawians love having their picture taken and love seeing themselves after.  We had so much fun passing my camera around and laughing at the pictures of ourselves.

Last night was a great example of how much fun this country is, whether your in the poor villages or the club, you are always welcomed and accepted with a smiling face.  I wish the USA was like this.  We seem to grown up in a world full of shelters and walls and we need to recognize we are all one race!  

Tonight they have the Champion League Final Live at 8 PM with a BBQ, 1/2 price beers, after party, music, and big screens!  Maybe I should check it out…..

Oh what a night!


Me, Joseph, and the owner of Club Zanzibar!

Joseph, Winnie, Hanna, and I

Joseph, Fiskan, Me, and Winnie


  1. looks like so much fun!! and you're so tan....definitely have me beat...

  2. I love the name Winnie!!!
