Thursday, June 2, 2011


Hello Again

The mornings and evenings here in Malawi seem to be my favorite.  The sun casts its shadow on and off Mt. Kasungu and it is a beautiful sight.  I am plan on hiking/climbing it at some point, I just need to find a companion willing to do it with me.  Paolo has done it and said it is quite spectacular!

View of Mt. Kasungu from guesthouse room!
The sounds and sights of morning and night resonate in my head throughout the day.  As dusk approaches, you hear crickets in the field chipping and tree frogs gulping.  You soon hear dogs everywhere barking as they come across packs of others.  You see men walking or riding bikes back home to their families, children playing with friends, and women retiring home after a day at the market.  When you awake you hear birds singing their melodies as the sun beams through your window.  You see men heading off to work, women tending their fires, and children walking to school.

Well I left work yesterday and walked back alone because Peter had left earlier in the day and the others were in Lilongwe renewing their visas as you are required to do every additional 30 days you stay in county.  I thought I knew the way back…..not quite.  I knew I was close to the guesthouse but did not know how close.  I had only done the walk twice so far and combined with my awful sense of direction, you may know where this is going.  It seemed as if all the dirt paths began to look the same and it was as if I had to choose one.  Well I did and soon realized I was wrong.  I started walking through peoples land and now I can even say I looked like a "mzungu!" I found a nice woman breastfeeding as her others played in the dirt.  I asked her where Maggie lived, assuming she knew the owner of the guesthouse, not the case at all.  I then said where is the guesthouse and she pointed me through a path that lead through her garden of chillies, beans and pumpkin and around her corn field.  I soon was on a path I recognized and began looking for the little boy that calls out "Hey!  Give me money."  He was nowhere in sight until a pack of girls soon showed me the way.  Everyone here is so happy to help!

Tobacco trucks at a site as I walked home from work yesterday!

Women walking from town as I managed to get lost!
I returned just before sunset, changed into running shorts, and worked out.  I started on Monday and hope to continue until my return home.  The work out consists of push ups, an ab circuit, and a squat circuit.  When I have more time on the weekends, I would also like to begin running again.  Their is a brook down the road from Maggie's and I have been told it is very nice.  I guess I need to check it out!
Clothes perfectly ironed and folded when I return from work!  Thanks Maggie!
After a nice refreshing shower, I laid on the couch and opened my book.  I brought a bunch of books with me as I knew there would be lots of time to read.  I have to say the book I just started is amazing and I would highly recommend it to anyone.  I purchased it in Washington D.C. this semester at a conference on women empowerment!  The book is titled "Black is the New Orange" and is a memoir about Piper Kerman, a communications executive convicted of drug smuggling and money laundering in 2003 for a scheme she got tangled up in 10 years earlier when she had just graduated from Smith College.  She tells the story of her life behind bars, the lessons she learns, and the people she meets!  Should be finished this weekend!

Had a great breakfast this morning and walked to work with the team.  Quite cloudy and very windy in Malawi today.  Did the tornado warnings in MA head over seas?

I am going to finish imputing our staff on the eSoko software today and hopefully we will soon be connected and allowed to use SMS to notify, buy, and sell crops across Malawi!

This afternoon I am visiting one of the MicroLoan staff members farms!  I will have some great pictures tomorrow!  

We are having a goodbye dinner tonight for Peter, Nina's boyfriend.  He is working with the staff on IT training.  He heads back to the UK on Friday!  We are having a special dinner and plan on having MGT's (Malawi Gin & Tonics) with some of the fresh lemons the girls picked up on the side of the road the other day!  Should be a fun night!


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